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Meet Albatina: SIHA International Coordinator

Updated: Jul 25, 2022

Albatina Phillimore D.O.

SIHA International Chair 2018 - 2024

A late developer, Albatina did not know what she wanted to do, or should do with her life except that she wished to help her fellow human beings. With the Grace of God, this has been her aim in life ever since.

One of 6 children, she was born to parents who met at Coombe Springs in England and was opened in 1979.

From 18 she worked in a variety of ‘social’ settings included a psychogeriatric hospital, Wisma Mulia (Subud elderly community), a boarding school for dyslexic children, and at Fountain House in Bath from its first day of opening! This was a Subud enterprise run by Hermione Elliott for severely disabled children. An exceptionally loving and stimulating home which gave Albatina great insight as to how to do things with Gods guidance.

A lover of nature: Time outside Albatina believes is a healing and sustaining experiences that bring us closer to God. She loves to garden, along with walking, cycling, and playing tennis. Qualifying as an Osteopath in 1991, she sticks to the principal that she is simply encouraging the body’s natural ability to self-heal. Winner of the UK ‘Principal of the Year’ Award in 2016 is evidence that she work hard at creating a clinic in which an integrated approach plus support for all who work there, as well as the local community is very important to her. In recent years she has helped raise thousands to enable those who would otherwise be unable to afford treatments.

Mother of 4 boys, she became British National SIHA Coordinator in 2016 where she first felt that her role was in supporting members around the country particularly at youth and elderly at gatherings. Attending her first World Congress at Freiburg in 2018 she ran the wellbeing area. She worked hard running this very busy area offering natural therapies, exercise classes and rest to attendees. She was put forwards as a potential SIHA International Coordinator at the last minute. Her receiving was of holding a large egg (the world) balanced beautifully upon a large, brimmed hat.

Her Aims since becoming the International Coordinator for SIHA is to develop a team that offers support to Subud members and to the world through collaboration with all the Wings.

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